

new Message()

  • Message Object



(static) alert()

  • Alert message. Same as message({type: 'alert'}).

Name Type Description
opts.title string

The message box title

opts.text string

The message box body

opts.type string

The message box type i.e. information, warning, error, question, success, alert, alert-information, alert-warning, alert-error, alert-question, confirm, confirm-information, confirm-warning, confirm-error, confirm-question alternatively a custom css class

opts.expire number

The time period to close the message box

opts.ok string

The ok button text

opts.cancel string

the cancel button text

opts.width string

The css width string

opts.height string

The css height string

opts.closeOnEsc boolean

The message box will close when ESC is pressed on keyboard. default is "true"

opts.closeOnClickOutside boolean

The message box will close if clicked on overlay or outside of the modal box content. default is "false"

opts.moretext string

The text to add inside the resulting window modal as information, will add more button

opts.buttons boolean | Array.<string> | Array.<MessageButton> | ButtonList

The modal message buttons to display

opts.callback function

The callback function after clicking the ok/cancel buttons with the result

(static) clearAll()

  • Clears all messages


(static) confirm() → {string}

  • Confirm message. Same as message({type: 'confirm'}).

Name Type Description
opts.title string

The message box title

opts.text string

The message box body

opts.type string

The message box type i.e. information, warning, error, question, success, alert, alert-information, alert-warning, alert-error, alert-question, confirm, confirm-information, confirm-warning, confirm-error, confirm-question alternatively a custom css class

opts.expire number

The time period to close the message box

opts.ok string

The ok button text

opts.cancel string

the cancel button text

opts.width string

The css width string

opts.height string

The css height string

opts.closeOnEsc boolean

The message box will close when ESC is pressed on keyboard. default is "true"

opts.closeOnClickOutside boolean

The message box will close if clicked on overlay or outside of the modal box content. default is "false"

opts.moretext string

The text to add inside the resulting window modal as information, will add more button

opts.buttons boolean | Array.<string> | Array.<MessageButton> | ButtonList

The modal message buttons to display

opts.callback function

The callback function after clicking the ok/cancel buttons with the result


(static) displayMessageNum(msgGrp, msgNum)

  • Displays a framework message by group and number

Name Type Description
msgGrp string

The message group (case insensitive)

msgNum string

The message number

opts.title string

The message box title

opts.text string

The message box body

opts.type string

The message box type i.e. information, warning, error, question, success, alert, alert-information, alert-warning, alert-error, alert-question, confirm, confirm-information, confirm-warning, confirm-error, confirm-question alternatively a custom css class

opts.expire number

The time period to close the message box

opts.ok string

The ok button text

opts.cancel string

the cancel button text

opts.width string

The css width string

opts.height string

The css height string

opts.modal boolean

The modal flag for message.

opts.showMessageCode boolean

Remove the information message text info group and number, text displayed between parentheses, default is "false"

opts.closeOnEsc boolean

The message box will close when ESC is pressed on keyboard. default is "true"

opts.closeOnClickOutside boolean

The message box will close if clicked on overlay or outside of the modal box content. default is "false"

opts.moretext string

The text to add inside the resulting window modal as information, will add more button

opts.buttons boolean | Array.<string> | Array.<MessageButton> | ButtonList

The modal message buttons to display

opts.callback function

The callback function after clicking the ok/cancel buttons with the result

(static) errorMessage() → {string}

  • Error message. Same as message({type: 'error'}).

Name Type Description
opts.title string

The message box title

opts.text string

The message box body

opts.type string

The message box type i.e. information, warning, error, question, success, alert, alert-information, alert-warning, alert-error, alert-question, confirm, confirm-information, confirm-warning, confirm-error, confirm-question alternatively a custom css class

opts.expire number

The time period to close the message box

opts.ok string

The ok button text

opts.cancel string

the cancel button text

opts.width string

The css width string

opts.height string

The css height string

opts.closeOnEsc boolean

The message box will close when ESC is pressed on keyboard. default is "true"

opts.closeOnClickOutside boolean

The message box will close if clicked on overlay or outside of the modal box content. default is "false"

opts.moretext string

The text to add inside the resulting window modal as information, will add more button

opts.buttons boolean | Array.<string> | Array.<MessageButton> | ButtonList

The modal message buttons to display

opts.callback function

The callback function after clicking the ok/cancel buttons with the result


(static) getMessageNum(msgGrp, msgNum) → {Promise.<any>}

  • Returns a framework message details by group and number

Name Type Description
msgGrp string

The message group (case insensitive)

msgNum string

The message number


(static) getMessageType(msgGrp, msgNum) → {Promise.<any>}

  • Returns the MessageType of a SmartMessage either from javascript cache memory or from

Name Type Description
msgGrp string

The message group (case insensitive)

msgNum number

The message number


(static) informationMessage() → {string}

  • Information message. Same as message({type: 'information'}).

Name Type Description
opts.title string

The message box title

opts.text string

The message box body

opts.type string

The message box type i.e. information, warning, error, question, success, alert, alert-information, alert-warning, alert-error, alert-question, confirm, confirm-information, confirm-warning, confirm-error, confirm-question alternatively a custom css class

opts.expire number

The time period to close the message box

opts.ok string

The ok button text

opts.cancel string

the cancel button text

opts.width string

The css width string

opts.height string

The css height string

opts.closeOnEsc boolean

The message box will close when ESC is pressed on keyboard. default is "true"

opts.closeOnClickOutside boolean

The message box will close if clicked on overlay or outside of the modal box content. default is "false"

opts.moretext string

The text to add inside the resulting window modal as information, will add more button

opts.buttons boolean | Array.<string> | Array.<MessageButton> | ButtonList

The modal message buttons to display

opts.callback function

The callback function after clicking the ok/cancel buttons with the result


(static) message() → {string}

  • Displays a message

Name Type Description
opts.title string

The message box title

opts.text string

The message box body

opts.type string

The message box type i.e. information, warning, error, question, success, alert, alert-information, alert-warning, alert-error, alert-question, confirm, confirm-information, confirm-warning, confirm-error, confirm-question

opts.expire number

The time period to close the message box

opts.ok MessageButton

The ok button text

opts.cancel MessageButton

the cancel button text

opts.width string

The css width string

opts.height string

The css height string

opts.closeOnEsc boolean

The message box will close when ESC is pressed on keyboard. default is "true"

opts.vue boolean

For notification message, specifies if it should use dhxmlx or vue notification (defaults to dhtmlx if not specified)

opts.closeOnClickOutside boolean

The message box will close if clicked on overlay or outside of the modal box content. default is "false"

opts.showMessageCode boolean

Remove the information message text info group and number, text displayed between parentheses, default is "false"

opts.modal string

if it should be a modal or non-modal window

opts.moretext string

The text to add inside the resulting window modal as information, will add more button

opts.buttons boolean | Array.<string> | Array.<MessageButton> | ButtonList

The modal message buttons to display

opts.callback function

The callback function after clicking the ok/cancel buttons with the result


(static) removeVueNotification(id) → {void}

  • Removes a vue notification with the given id

Name Type Description
id number

The id of the notification to update


(static) successMessage()

  • Success message. Same as message({type: 'success'}).

Name Type Description
opts.title string

The message box title

opts.text string

The message box body

opts.type string

The message box type i.e. information, warning, error, question, success, alert, alert-information, alert-warning, alert-error, alert-question, confirm, confirm-information, confirm-warning, confirm-error, confirm-question alternatively a custom css class

opts.expire number

The time period to close the message box

opts.ok string

The ok button text

opts.cancel string

the cancel button text

opts.width string

The css width string

opts.height string

The css height string

opts.closeOnEsc boolean

The message box will close when ESC is pressed on keyboard. default is "true"

opts.closeOnClickOutside boolean

The message box will close if clicked on overlay or outside of the modal box content. default is "false"

opts.moretext string

The text to add inside the resulting window modal as information, will add more button

opts.buttons boolean | Array.<string> | Array.<MessageButton> | ButtonList

The modal message buttons to display

opts.callback function

The callback function after clicking the ok/cancel buttons with the result

(static) updateVueNotification() → {void}

  • Update a vue notification with the given id

Name Type Description number

The id of the notification to update

opts.text string

The message body

opts.message number

The messaga body used for 'link' message type

opts.type string

The message type i.e. information, warning, error, success, alert, alert-information, alert-warning, alert-error, alert-question,

opts.expire number

The time period to close the message box

opts.moretext number

Additional text to be opened in separate window

opts.title string

The message title

opts.linkDesc string

The link description to be displayed in notification

opts.linkValue string

The link value to be called when clicking on the notification

opts.bottom string

Additional bottom text used for 'link' message type

opts.options string

Additional options used for the link


(static) warningMessage() → {string}

  • Warning message. Same as message({type: 'warning'}).

Name Type Description
opts.title string

The message box title

opts.text string

The message box body

opts.type string

The message box type i.e. information, warning, error, question, success, alert, alert-information, alert-warning, alert-error, alert-question, confirm, confirm-information, confirm-warning, confirm-error, confirm-question alternatively a custom css class

opts.expire number

The time period to close the message box

opts.ok string

The ok button text

opts.cancel string

the cancel button text

opts.width string

The css width string

opts.height string

The css height string

opts.closeOnEsc boolean

The message box will close when ESC is pressed on keyboard. default is "true"

opts.closeOnClickOutside boolean

The message box will close if clicked on overlay or outside of the modal box content. default is "false"

opts.moretext string

The text to add inside the resulting window modal as information, will add more button

opts.buttons boolean | Array.<string> | Array.<MessageButton> | ButtonList

The modal message buttons to display

opts.callback function

The callback function after clicking the ok/cancel buttons with the result
